Welcome to
Coalesco Consulting

Business has the opportunity to have positive impact on society. Yet, the pressure to deliver financially means that organisations often fail to create the right conditions for their people to live up to their full potential.

Coalesco* Consulting is here to offer organisations, teams and individuals a different path. The work is based on positive psychology, the science of human flourishing, which has delivered compelling evidence that in order to perform well, we need our jobs to be aligned with our talents – what we do best.

* Coalesco means to be anchored, to grow together. The mission is to partner with organisations along their entire people agenda to enable managers to become effective and empowered leaders, anchored into their unique set of strengths.

Hi, I am Katharina.

I deeply care about making business more human.

Coalesco Consulting is dedicated to this goal. In my work, I draw on my international experience in Human Resources and as leadership and change management consultant to design and deliver bespoke solutions for my clients.

The offer is tailored to individuals, teams and organisations.

My credentials

  • 8+ years experience in Human Resources in FMCG (Hero Group), a boutique leadership strategy consultancy (YSC) and a change management start-up (businessfourzero)
  • Worked and lived in the Netherlands, Switzerland, UK and Singapore
  • ICF coach (ACC)
  • Blanchard Leaderhip Coach
  • Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach
  • emTrace®  Emotions-Coach
  • Agile Scrum Master
  • Wholeception Trainer (Emotional Intelligence)
  • Psychometrics (Hogan Suite, Clifton Strengths Assessment, DFIRO-B, PSI, OPQ)
  • Master’s of Applied Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania)
  • MSc in Learning & Development (Maastricht University)
  • BSc in Business Studies (University of Munster)

What I do

My work is based on my expertise in positive psychology, experienced as a mix of curiosity, pragmatism, lightheartedness and empathy.

Leadership Development
We often promote leaders into their roles based on what they’ve previously done well, assuming that what made a great functional expert will produce a good leader. The two most common mistakes we make are 1) we are not clear what we expect from our leaders (and how this will help deliver our business strategy) and 2) we don’t support our leaders to develop into their roles. I partner with organisations to define their leadership development strategy, identify a clear set of leadership expectations and design and deliver interventions to help their leaders grow (see training).

Change Management
By now, it is an often-cited fact that most change initiatives fail. Most don’t fall short because of a lack of direction or plan, but because people have not been emotionally engaged in the change journey. I work with organisations to help them craft the change journey leaders need to take their people on and design the interventions that will help get them onboard. Together, we uncover and anticipate blockers and develop solutions that will help leaders bring others with them on the change journey.

In my coaching, I partner with professionals to create deep insight into their personality, motivations and values. We start from a place of strengths to grow self-awareness – so that the understanding they gain about themselves translates into increased insight into others.

Leadership Coaching
The leaders I work with are often looking to develop their own leadership signature, want to work through some leadership challenges or move towards a promotion. Tailored to their level of experience (e.g. individual contributor moving up to become a leader, leader of individual contributors, leader of leaders), I work with leaders in specified coaching packages to help them reach their goals.

Transition Coaching
Even though many of us have the freedom to live our lives the way we want, we often get stuck – by what shaped us in the past, and what ties us into the present. I partner with individuals who are looking for more personal fulfillment, and a job that is more aligned to their individual purpose and talents. Together, we define their North Star – the goal they feel passionate about and want to work towards. To get there, we uncover their unique set of strengths and design the bridge that helps them move from where they are now into their next chapter.

Leadership programs
Organisations often have high expectations towards their leaders. Yet, often leaders get promoted into a management role without any support to develop their competence in this new role. I design and deliver bespoke leadership programmes to upskill managers in leadership skills and mind-set.

Emotional Intelligence
As a certified Wholeception Trainer, I offer trainings to grow your emotional intelligence. You will learn to identify emotional expressions, respond to them and manage both yours and other people’s emotions more effectively.

Finding the best way to invest in the development of leaders and employees means having a clear understanding of their strengths and performance-critical development areas. In my assessments, I create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable to be themselves rather than creating a pressurized test environment. My experience is that a personalized human experience throughout the assessment process will not only facilitate deeper self-insight, but also deliver the most accurate and meaningful results to identify people’s talents and potential.

Together with selected partners, I organize retreats where we create a dedicated space for personal growth.

Check out the links below for available retreats:

Emotional Intelligence Retreat, June 2025 (in German)


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